People Matter. Invest Forward.
Catalysing Innovation By Matching Start-ups And Investors
Matching Start-Ups & Investors
We hand-pick promising start-up candidates from our eco-systems across Europe.
2Meets Investor
We match founders with investors from our Avestu investor portfolio, based on their cultural and strategic fit and the long-term goals of both parties.
3A Match Is Made
If the parties agree they are a fit, contracts are signed & the deal is closed.
Our Vision
We believe in finding and supporting the best entrepreneurs across the globe that are using cutting edge technology and research to help solve the world's problems.
Global Innovation
In Emerging Markets
Our goal is to work with the brightest emerging enterprises to strengthen innovation and social change across the region and around the world.
Strategic Knowledge
To Solve Social Challenges
We actively support these teams with strategic insights and access to transformative resources, like our 500+ Investor Portfolio and in-depth Research Reports, to enable growth and market expansion.
Entrepreneurial Challenges
To Foster The Next Generation Of Entrepreneurs
We have developed a Practical Ethical Guide to Artificial Intelligence for Founders and Managers of companies in the AI sector and industry guidelines for various ethical challenges. Interested in the long-term impact of your venture? Or how to price your impact into your startup's valuation? Looking to find startups or investors interested in Social RoI along with financial returns? ethicaltech@avestu.com
Catalytic Partnerships
Succeed Faster With The Right Network
With a network of strategic partners strewn between Central Europe, Britain, the United Arab Emirates and the United States, we can assess the regional risks and potentials for your startup and help you map and navigate market entry scenarios effectively.
Meet Our Executive Team
Our multinational team combines experience with passion for entrepreneurship, the creativity to think outside the box, and the dedication to get things done. Our team works from our global offices. But wherever we are in the world - our commitment is to supporting our start-up clients and investors.
Verena A. Sturm
With a background in PPE, International Relations & Political Risk Analysis, Verena combines interest in research with entrepreneurial passion.
After completing her IR degree with Hult International Business School in London with Honours, she developed a method to improve Delphi-based Scenario Analysis in innovation-intense contexts with Prof. Hisham Al Saghbini and went on to found Avestu Institute: a Start-up Strategy Think Tank based in London, Berlin and Munich.
At Avestu Institute, she has been supporting founders throughout the varied strategic challenges that come with life as an entrepreneur. Mixing classic forecasting tools and scenario analysis with semi-quantitative methodology, her focus is on formulating custom solutions to her clients needs. Since 2014, she has been specialising in Investor Relations and fundraising during Seed Stage, Series A and B.
With Avestu Capital she crystalized that vision into a dedicated Investor Readiness & Match-Making service covering the entire company life cycle, from early stage to build & buy strategies or sucession planning in 2018.
She also acts as Lecturer in Venture Capital & Finance at ISM Munich and as Founding Partner of Mandatory Ventures, a FoF that invests in Emerging Managers in VC.
She believes in creating long-standing, high impact societal value via entrepreneurship and supporting investors in taking 'value'-based investment decisions. She has a heart for ethical technological innovation, life science and social ventures.
Verena has always been drawn to entrepreneurial challenges and creating opportunities by bringing together the right parties to help ventures succeed. Her network is fuelled by a genuine interest in establishing cordial & reliable long-term business partnerships.
When she is not out scouting for interesting start-ups, you are most likely to find her in an art gallery, looking at antiques or planning her next trip.
Steven Windmill
Having worked in the consulting industry for over 25 years, Steven has led a major change management programme that saved £4.3 Billion, executed multi-national deals worth over £200 million pa and negotiated contracts on behalf of the UK Government in excess of £600 million.
He is a sophisticated turnaround change strategist with more than two decades of experience in over 23 global markets and across VC, Private Equity, corporate, government, and military sectors. Areas of expertise include: business and revenue improvement; turnaround of at-risk businesses, projects and programmes; stakeholder satisfaction; pre-deal and post-deal M&As; high-stakes multi-million/billion-dollar negotiations (M&A - sell side & buy side), IPOs, Follow-Ons, Convertibles, Debt).
He received his MBA from Henley Business School and completed degrees at the University of London in Philosophy with further studies at The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom in Military and Strategic Leadership; RMA Sandhurst and the universities of both Durham and Warwick.He acted as a Professor for Consulting and Change Management at Hult International Business School and became a Board Member with Avestu Institute in 2011.
When Steven is not on a turn-around consulting mission for a multi-national, he enjoys guiding the next cohort of entrepreneurs and consultants. Divorced, he has two grown children.In his spare time, he enjoys parachuting, hill walking and racing his collection of Aston Martins.
Christophe C. Meeus
Following his Law Degree in Antwerp and Louvain in Belgium, Christophe gained extensive experience as a lawyer (avocat) in Brussels, Paris, London and Munich.He made the switch to the industry-side in 1994, being invited to assist a German company with its private placement activities in the United States.Since, he was appointed Managing Director of select Private Equity funds concentrated along the economic axis between France, US, Israel and Germany; positions he will continue to honour while being active at Avestu. In parallel, Christophe also managed, advised, restructured and liquidated companies ranging from software to hardware and from real estate to consumer goods.Currently, he is also President of the Supervisory Board of a German software company and of a digital provider company.At Avestu, Christophe will focus on bridging the gap between the investment needs of later stage startups and the operational milestones and benchmarks they have to meet, in order to be considered suitable candidates for acquisition by PE entities or other industry players.A true Art Deco and Modern Art enthusiast and a hockey fiend, Christophe brings a mind set of jovial competition, constant evolution and disruption to Avestu.- Download Now
Download our latest research here.
We are currently developing a Practical Ethical Guide to Artificial Intelligence for founders and managers of companies in the AI sector and have previously developed industry guidelines for various ethical challenges.
For Investors
Expertise, Networking and Match-Making
Tune Your Portfolio
Your portfolio companies could need a little 'extra'?
We're happy to help get your portfolio companies up to speed for the next round of investment. To do so, we work with our trusted circle of consultants, entrepreneurs and industry experts specifically assembled to give your portfolio company the edge it may need. This is what we call a 'custom think tank'.
Then, we will continue working with the companies we advise until milestones are reached and critical improvements in core KPIs made.
Match-Making & Scouting
Looking for something specific? Interested in diversifying your startup investments?
We are happy to source the most interesting deals across a variety of industries for you. Our expert pool is filled with professionals with in-depth expertise that give us the insight we need - sector by sector. Wether you are interested in molecular biology, fin tech or regional legal developments, we'll hand pick and prequalify a catalogue of innovative start-ups according to your requirements for you - within a time-frame you specify.
Become A Part of the Avestu Investor Portfolio
We are looking forward to meeting you
Join the 500+ members of our Avestu Investor Portfolio and get 'first look' access to the start-ups Avestu sources across ecosystems. We act as a customised deal-flow funnel. To become a part of the portfolio, you will have to get past a telephone interview session and a personal meeting that helps us understand your background and personality as an investor. Once we know what you are looking for - from industry preferences and ticket sizes to fund stage and diversification needs, we will match with start-ups that fit your criteria.
Reach out to: portfolio@avestu.com
Exclusive Memberships in the AAIC
Our exclusive network for Angels & Investors:
The Avestu Angels' & Investors' Circle
Apply to become a member - or find out more: aaic@avestu.com
Angels' & Investors' Circle
Impressions from our events.
Key Note: Mobility & Innovation
Key Note: Mobility & Innovation - an Avestu Capital 'Key Note' Series Event at Kuffler's Munich, kindly sponsored by Wirtschaftsbeirat Bayern and motec ventures. Supported by Invest in Bavaria and Gründerland Bayern.
Angels' & Investors' Circle 2018: Thursday, 25th of January 2018
Patronage: SKH Leopold Prinz von Bayern
Our Target: Providing a platform for select Business Angels and Investors to come together and connect in a beautiful setting and discuss ‘of the moment’ industry trends and opportunities in Venture Capital and Private Equity.
A number of hand-selected start-ups are also given the opportunity to introduce their business concepts.
Start-ups helped
500 +
Investors in our Avestu Investor Portfolio
Pitch Decks reviewed per month
For Start-ups
We are NOT for one-size fits all solutions. Can't find what you need? Talk to us!
Investor Readiness
Are your KPIs investor-ready?
We have helped 100+ start-ups improve their investment KPIs during seed stage and series A investment rounds. Working with our close-knit investor community you get feedback directly from the 'mouth of the lion'.
We want our start-ups to enter negotiations from a point of strength. Thus via in-depth feedback, we help you come up with your best pitch and investment strategy.
As your partners, we are by your side throughout the entire process.
What kind of investor is right for you?
We help you identify your essentials and help you identify a target list of potential candidates. We have close personal relationships with the investor community we work with, thus, once a start-up truly is investment ready, we can introduce you to partners that are a good strategic fit.
We also offer support during negotiations and in-depth (de-)briefings before we introduce you, so you can put your best foot forward.
Working with us drastically reduces the time spent on assembling your next financing round - allowing you to focus on your core business instead.
Investor Roadshows
Tap into the wisdom (& financial capability) of crowds
At times, all an early stage start-up needs is a room full of the right people. We'll take the hassle out of getting you in front of these people, prepping and proofing your materials along the way.
We also pre-qualify the attending investors, keeping attendance lists relevant to your financing goals. As we frequently work with deep-tech ventures, we are prepared to work with you during confidential or pre-patent stages.
Our Investor Roadshows can consist of up to five events in different cities throughout Europe or internationally. Our trusted partners, network and contacts in various European start-up ecosystems allow for a quick set-up times whatever your target market.
Intensive Pitch Training Sessions
Are you ready?
Storytelling is an art. The good news is, it can be learned and EVERYONE can get better at it. We help you assess your room for improvement via multiple rounds of feedback, including
- Review & analysis of existing materials, needs. & potentials.
- Refining your elevator pitch, business model & investment ask.
- Insights from the investor perspective.
- Valuation Theory.
- Fundraising Do's & Don'ts.
- Story-telling, presentation flow.
- Review of core KPIS and Benchmarks for your market.
- Positioning, competior landscape & USPs.
- First round design & graphic input where necessary. We are happy to introduce you to our experienced partners on the graphics and text side for more extensive alterations.
- Editioral Feedback & Bullet-proofing your presentation in English & German
- A video-taped pitching session that allows you to reflect on your presentation skills. You may even 'take home' the final video & send it to your shortlist of investors.
- A session with a reknowned voice coach.
- A sounding-board session with one of our 'friendly' investors
Strategy Consulting
& The Sourcing Of Strategic Partners
Get where you want to go.
Building a start-up from scratch can certainly feel like an up-hill battle at times. You don't have to go it alone - get expert support, honest feedback and actionable milestones from our team of experienced entrepreneurs, consultants and the members of our expert pool.
Our expert pool stars distinguished professors, consultants, angel investors, and leading entrepreneurs across a diverse set of industries such as the Life Science industries & MedTech, InsurTech, AI, FinTech, EdTech, logistics, product research & development - and, of course, M & A and Private Equity.
Our network also includes valuable leads to strategic corporate partners such as hidden champions and the automotive and engineering sector.
Drop us a Note
Audentes fortuna iuvat. Fortune favours the bold.
We are looking forward to receiving your pitch decks, postcards and prototypes.
Feldbergstr 20, 81825 Munich, GermanyMon - Fri 9am - 6pmGermany: +49 (0)89 96087093; UK: +44 203 289 67705For Corporates
Custom Technology Sourcing & Training and Consulting for Intrapreneurship Efforts by Established Players
Targeted Tech Info-Sessions
Who are the up-and-coming players in your sector? What concepts & technologies are they working on?
Find out more: corporate@avestu.com
Introductions to Innovators & Enabling of Technology Transfers
Start-ups may already be working on solving your organisation's technological bottle necks - harness their power.
Looking to solve a particular technological challenge? Talk to us.
Innovation & Technology Scouting
Disrupt yourself
We offer a tailored match-making service for 'incumbent' companies such as established corporations and hidden champions.
This includes:
- Sourcing
- Pre-qualification
- Match-making with up-and-coming tech start-ups
- Enabling and implementation of technological transfers
Minimize your risk exposure and stay abreast the latest technological challenges.
Forecasting of Disruptive Technological Challenges
Be ahead of the curve
We offer a tailored match-making service for 'incumbent' companies such as established corporations and hidden champions.
This includes:
- Improved version of the Delphi forecast via expert panels
- Generated 'threat' heat map
No one can see a black swan coming, but you can be prepared for change nonetheless: in a world, where the consequences of progress are not always foreseeable, we help you navigate long-term costs associated with modern technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Virtual Reality.
We also offer Country and Industry Insight Reports: Improve your risk minimisation via expert panels, reports and scenario-based and/or location-based analysis and prepare for the grey areas where tech and country risk intersect.
Business Ethics
Shape the future
Supercharge your CSR efforts by preparing for the world of the future.
Business Ethics - determine the challenges to the core values that your company is working towards.
Take a look at the long-term and short-term ethical implications behind cutting-edge technologies, algorithms and medical developments.
Intrapreneurship Hacks
Hack your way to innovative solutions with custom workshops
Tell us about specific areas of interest - or find out which parts of your company are most likely to be cannibalised by up-and-coming players and/or technologies such as digitisation, dataisation, automatisation, artificial intelligence or virtual reality.
Investor Relations for Corporate Start-ups
Find strategic partners & formulate a professional investor relations strategy
Plug into our ecosystem and source external validation for in-house ventures and find strong partners that help you see your industry anew. Take your innovative ventures and industry know-how to the next level.
Utilise synergies with other established players to leverage collective strengths - or source strategic know-how from our network of experts across industries and our investment community.
What our Clients & Collaborators say
"I have been working with Avestu on project-based assignments since 2011 (as of January 2018). Our work relationship is characterised by respect, trustworthiness and - most importantly - reliable results that I am truly amazed by. I can wholeheartedly recommend working with Avestu - especially to all founders and to those who yet have to take the plunge!" Y.M., Munich
"I'd recommend Avestu to my best friend. I met them at one of the first Bits & Pretzels conferences - like a present falling from the skies unexpectedly. They have what distinguishes excellent partners: working with them is completely unpretentious, easy and efficient. Making collaboration exciting, fun - and my start-up ready for invest! Thank you!" R.R, Munich
"Avestu made the road from idea to investment-ready concept - be it a finalised business plan or Pitch Deck - so much easier.
Together we completed all the necessary steps - from Due Diligence, site audits, research and FDA approval to adjusting our pitch deck for international markets.
They think in solutions not problems."
B.G., Los Angeles
"Working with Avestu is easy to characterise: they are impeccable partners throughout the execution of complicated processes paying meticulous attention to detail - without ever losing sight of the 'bigger picture'. Especially impressive to watch was the high-impact execution of comprehensive mandate bundles. Such as simultaneous project management and investor readiness strategy (including implementation) on different daughter companies." B.G., Munich
Featured Start-ups
HypoPet AG
In “bringing Biologics to Companion Animals” - HypoPet have proven to be thinking outside the box by “vaccinating the cat, not the associated human”:
HypoPet AG, a spin-off company of the University of Zurich, brings hope to people that are allergic to animal hair. The team of Swiss researchers has developed a method to reduce the Fel d 1 protein – the trigger for cat allergy – by vaccinating the cat. The method, which has been awarded with the first price of the Swiss Technology Award 2013 (category: inventors), does not harm the cat as it does not depend on the allergenic protein that causes the allergy, when transferred onto fur in cat salvia. Cat allergies are important causes of rhino conjunctivitis & asthma.
HypoPet wants to ensure that cat owner are not forced to give away their beloved pet or undergo a complex desensitisation process. The global pet market volume is valued at 120 billion USD, of which pet medicine is about 21%: 25 billion USD. The founders – Martin Bachmann, Thomas Kündig and Gabriela Senti – bring along 20 years of research expertise in Immunology and Allergology. The fourth co-founder, Patrik M. Paulus, was CEO of Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Schweiz) for 10 years. In a next step, the team envisions a vaccination against dog allergy (HypoDog™). Two vaccinations have been licensed to an UK Pharma firm.
DustBiosolutions GmbH
Dust BioSolutions is a Munich-based Deep Tech start-up having its core expertise in the development, production and sales of innovative biological binders for industrial applications.
First products derived from a technology platform are liquid solutions that contain soil bacteria that bond different permeable materials. Main clients are currently in the mining, construction and agriculture industry.
Dust BioSolutions was selected as the winning start-up for 'best pitch' at the first Angels' & Investors' Circle for its technology, story telling expertise, and overall perception of market applications.
London Partner
London Partner - Steven Windmill
United Kingdom: +44 203 289 6770
Munich Partner
Founding Partner - Verena A. Sturm
Germany: +49 (0)89 96087093
- PressYou want to feature one of our start-ups, write about Avestu or interview one of our executives?
Apply to register for our next press roundtable or press release mailing lists.
Get in touch with the Avestu Press Desk:
We are happy to send you the Avestu Press Kit upon request, arrange an interview or help you with any questions you might have. Don't hesitate to talk to us!
We're hiring!
Are you an innovator in your field? Do you want to look and work beyond the confines of a traditional office space? Inquiries welcome.
Internal - Personal / Team Assistant
- You are an organisational genius and able to multi-task but can thrive in bringing organisation to a chaotic fast paced environment?
- You have worked with founders or artists or in a VC fund before?
- You are fluent in English and German? Portugese is a plus.
- You are a fast learner.? Diligent with attention to detail? Able to conduct ad hoc research?
- You can work in a self-directed manner?
- Mantaining relationships and thinking in terms of relationship quality is second nature to you?
- We are open to the working models of the future: Remote Work only. Part time possible.
- Event Management experience is a plus.
- Women or diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.
Deal Team - Deal & Research Analyst
- You are a stellar networker? And have an ability to cultivate a network of subject matter experts across time zones? As an analyst at Avestu you will maintain a set of “pick up the phone” relationships with the most influential people in space (e.g. university professors, executives at established companies, industry analysts, etc.)
- You have a track record in doing outstanding research? You have an innate ability to do ad hoc research and an interest in understanding complex topics (DeepTech or MedTech startups). You are able to thouroughly deep dive into a market and do business and technology research on market developments, companies, and themes that the firm is interested in.
- You may have dabbled in angel investing or founded your first venture? Previous experience as a founder is a plus in our books.
- You think beyond ESG when it comes to the challenges of the future?
- Women or diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.
- Remote Work only. Part time possible.
Deal Team - Intern / Working Student
- Startups are your passion? The VC World is exciting to you? You may have dabbled in angle investing or founded your first venture?
- You have a track record of outstanding research projects and like looking beyond the obvious solutions?
- You want early responsibility and a chance to prove yourself?
- You are adept at ad hoc research and able to perform business and technology research on markets, companies, and themes that the firm is interested in?
- First insights into the world of Investor Relations, Venture Capital and Impact Investing.
- First entrepreneurial endeavours or event management experience are a plus.
- Detail orientation. Self-directed approach to work.
- Women or diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.
- Remote Work only. Part time possible.
© 2024 Avestu Capital LLP - An Avestu Institute company. All rights reserved by Avestu Institute.
Please see our Legal Notice / Imprint (German: Impressum) below:
According to § 5 TMG
Avestu Capital LLP
Flat E, 80 Eaton Square, SW1 W9AG
United Kingdom
German Postal Address:
Feldbergstr. 20
81825 München
Managing Partner
Verena Alice Sturm
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 96087093
E-Mail: info@avestu.com
Value Added Tax Identification Number according to §27a German Value Added Tax Law: DE290188887.
Responsible for contents according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (German Press Right):
Avestu Capital LLP
Flat E, 80 Eaton Square, SW1 W9AG
United Kingdom
Phone: 0049 (0)89 96087093
Email: info@avestu.com
represented by
Avestu Institute
81825 München
regarding all German market activity.
Copyright - 2024 Avestu Institute. All rights reserved.
This website is intended solely for educational and informative purposes. The information contained herein does not constitute legal or investment advice, or an offer to sell, or the solicitation of any offer to buy shares in companies or start-ups mentioned or any other security. The content of this website has not been approved or disapproved by any securities regulator in any province or territory of Canada, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or any other United States federal or state regulatory authority, and no such commission or authority has passed upon the merits, accuracy or adequacy of this content, nor is it intended that any will. The information on this website does not constitute the provision of investment, tax, legal or other professional advice apart from an initial Investor Relations (PR) and a referral Partner / Tip Provider Relationship ("Tippgeber" under German Law). As with all investments, there are associated risks and you could lose money investing – including, potentially, your entire investment. Prior to making any investment, a prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. No reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information and opinions contained herein or their accuracy or completeness, and nothing contained herein may be relied upon in making any investment decision.